इंग्लिश (शिकायत कक्ष)

Bhartiya Janta Ki Maha Adalat

If you are on right side but, injustice is done to you and you are unable to get justice due to machinations by mighty opponents who got support from the Govt. system and some Judges who are dishonest, corrupt, partial, biased, incompetent, discourteous, rude and arrogant.

And when the Judges who are doing injustice are holding position at higher level including Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

THEN:- Don’t get disappointed. Our Constitution, law system had appropriate checks and balances. And many Judicious, law loving, Honest Judges have given many solutions in their landmark judgments to tackle such situations and to punish the guilty.

Bhartiya Janta Ki Maha Adalat will be helpful to you in getting justice and to undo the injustice done to you.

Citizens’ Court is by the people, of the people and for the welfare of the people.

Send your grievances of larger public interest with relevant proofs in writing to Secretary General of Citizens’ Court of India.

Email. Id:- grievance@citizenscourtofindia.com

Visit at :  http://www.citizenscourtofindia.com

Come and join hands in our “Mission For Humanist Global India” and serve the nation to make entire judicial system and government machinery more judicious, citizen friendly, fair, impartial, corruption free and transparent.